
The Finnish EASI team was established in 2007. The team members include specialists of rheumatology
and diagnostic immunology from rheumatology clinics and diagnostic laboratories.
At the first meeting of the Finnish EASI team in 2007, the following goals were agreed:
Serum bank. 10-20 ml of serum from patients with verified diagnosis of autoimmune disease to be used for validation of new tests.
Validation of new tests. Data of evaluation / validation of new tests performed in one laboratory (of the EASI Team) should be available to all other laboratories. Thus, we would avoid making duplicate determinations. The results could be available on the website of the Finnish EASI Team, using a password.
Recommendation of laboratory tests to be used in diagnostics of autoimmune diseases. The Finnish EASI Team should start a series of publications in Duodecim or Finnish Medical Journal, on diagnostics of autoimmune diseases focusing on the laboratory tests and techniques recommended to be used. Also, those inadequate tests still often asked by the customers (and doctors) should be listed, and emphasis should be put on removing those tests from use in Finland. Companies and organizations providing quality assurance programs and accreditation (e.g. Labquality and FINAS) should also be informed.

The Finnish EASI team collaborates closely with the Estonian EASI team.