The Israelian EASI Team is one of the younger member of the
EASI network. It was founded in January, 2010 but it is a very
active group.
EASI – Israel projects for 2010-2011:
(I) ANA evaluation in Israel:
- Evaluation of different automated system and ELISA tests
compared with IFA utilizing Israeli sera.
- Evaluation of different methods for anti-dsDNA antibodies
- Evaluation of different algorithms used in Israel for ANA.
- Implantation of the Dutch questionnaire for laboratory
detection of ANA in Israel.
- Creating the Israeli algorithm for ANA evaluation.
(II) Israel “Referral sera” for standardization of serological
– a collection of serial clinically well defined
(III) Education:
- A course in immunofluorescence techniques for Lab
- EASI-Israel on serological tests for physicians.