Dresden, September 9 - 12, 2025
8th International Consensus on ANA Pattern (ICAP) and Workshop on Harmonization of Autoantibody Detection
Dresden, September 8, 2025
Congress venue: Dresden Fair (Messe Dresden, Messering 6, 01067 Dresden, Germany)

DSA 2025 Congress Information Registration Programme Abstract
Sponsorship and
Industrial Exhibition

Abstract Form
Dresden Prize


The primary focus and content of the submitted abstract must be novel. Submission of the abstract implies that the abstract will not have been published in a scientific or professional publication prior to the presentation at the 17th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies. The abstract must be informative, including a statement of the study's specific objectives, methods, summary of the results and concluding statement.

Abstracts must be submitted using the online abstract form below together with a registration form of the presenting author by e-mail to gfid.ev@me.com.

The abstract handling committee (i.e. the co-chairmen and members of the international advisory board) will notify the authors regarding abstract acceptance and the form of presentation.

Please send your abstract form accompanied by your registration (or copy of registration if you have already registered before). Please take also into consideration that we can accept only abstracts of registered participants. You will receive a confirmation email upon submitting your abstract.